Snorkelling Tips For Beginners

Snorkelling Tips For Beginners

Tips for Anyone Who's About to Snorkel for the First Time

Whitsunday adventures

Scuba diving is the ultimate way to explore the Whitsunday Islands. But if you've had very little experience with being in the water, snorkelling can be a good alternative. The Whitsunday Islands is a fantastic place for you to try to snorkel for the first time. However, before getting in the water, do spend some time reading the snorkelling tips below.

Don't Wear the Mask Too Tight
Lots of beginners mistakenly believe that wearing the mask tightly will help to prevent leaks. Yet that isn't really the case. Too much tightening of the mask can actually cause your mask to leak. So if you're not sure, ask someone to check your mask to see if it's fitted properly on your face.

Practice Breathing in a Pool
When possible, try to spend some time in a swimming pool with snorkel gear prior to your first snorkelling experience in the ocean. Practice breathing with the mask on. With practice, you should be able to lessen the occurrence of fogging happening to your mask.

Invest in a Defogger Spray
If you don't have the time to practice breathing in a swimming pool beforehand, try investing in a defogger spray. It can drastically prevent your snorkelling mask from fogging up. Therefore, you'll have less in the way of you exploring the water of Whitsunday Islands.

Have Fun
The most important thing to remember about snorkelling for the first time is to simply relax and have fun. Snorkelling is probably the safest water sport there is. So don't think about it too much, and contact us when you're ready to go on your first snorkelling adventure.